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Circus, physical theatre and clowning
Available for tour
5 to 12 years olds
45 minutes
Show for outdoor, school and recreational venues

Carlito spends all his time staring at his cellphone. But Leonie wants to run, jump and play! Basketball, soccer, street hockey: it doesn’t matter, as long as she’s on the go. Mischievous, cunning and never giving up, Leonie will shake up her friend Carlito and get him moving along with her. Audiences won’t be able to resist the fun! They will invent new games and share in the contagious excitement.

This circus performance showcases balancing, juggling, unicycling and break dancing. Watch out! It’s explosive fun! 

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Marie-Hélène D'Amours with the collaboration of François Isabelle
Assistant Director
Artists taking part in the creation
Set design
Ghislain Buisson
Élizabeth Cognard
Julie Laroche
Ghislain Buisson
Ghislain Buisson
Reservation or information